Dr. Fitness USA

Dr. Fitness USA
Business Name: Dr. Fitness USA
Business Address: California
Business Contact Email: contactbatista@gmail.com
Business Phone Number: (424) 404-8942
Business Website Address: https://www.drfitnessusa.com/
Business Description:

Dr Fitness USA’s Body Design Formula is the lifeline to increasing your strength by 20% to 50% in 20 minutes, independently of a personal trainer and potentially allowing you to become 100% pain-free so you too can enjoy your favorite activities with vibrant health and energy.
Our strength training formulas GO BEYOND Yoga, Pilates and personal training by addressing:

Structural alignment of the spine to alleviate pain
Strength increase for stress management, mood behavior, and increased productivity
The anti-aging secret to regaining 15 years of your youth
Sustainability and education for long term results
Programs available online, worldwide
Empowerment Speakers are available for your next events.

Visit website: www.DrFitnessUSA.com Corporate wellness programs are also available  www.DrFitnessInternational.com

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Listing Title: Dr. Fitness USA