Travel and Entertainment
Ready to host you, for your monthly accommodation or a short stay on the Côte d’Azur, our apartments are located near the Palais des Festivals in the center of Cannes.
Coziness, comfort, luxury, modern, technical equipment, room service and 24 hour concierge are a few things we can offer in our boutique apartment building.
The show covers your world of fishing. Join us as we visit the world of fishing from Alaska to Costa Rica, California to Minnesota and New York to Florida with every imaginable fishing destination in between. Fish Talk Radio will be there waiting to talk to you.
Whether fresh, salt, blue, calm, cold, warm or even frozen waters Fish Talk Radio will investigate them with you. We will take any drastic measures to enhance your enjoyment of that great outdoor world, so please join us as we strive to celebrate and visit these great adventures.